Caledon approves Green Development Standards to boost sustainability and strategic priorities

Town of Caledon approves Green Development Standards to boost sustainability and align with strategic priorities

CALEDON, ON (May 22, 2024) – At Council on Tuesday, May 21, the Town of Caledon formalized its first Green Development Standards (GDS) program to improve the sustainability and livability of communities for current and future residents.

“With the adoption of our GDS Program, Caledon joins leading municipalities across the nation that are committed to addressing climate change,” said Mayor Annette Groves. “This program is a critical tool to ensure new development is green and clean so we can grow sustainably and meet our ambitious environmental targets outlined in the Strategic Plan.”

The GDS program outlines climate-friendly design standards that all new residential, commercial and industrial development in Caledon must comply with. This program focuses on minimizing energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, adapting to a changing climate, protecting and enhancing the natural environment and creating walkable communities. Building applicants will be required to demonstrate how they meet each sustainability metric.

“Caledon’s population is expected to triple over the next 25 years”, said Rita Juliao, Acting Commissioner of Engineering, Public Works and Transportation. “Green Development Standards will ensure new development reaps the benefits of energy efficient and sustainable design, avoiding costly retrofits in the future”.

Some of the key benefits of green standards include:

  • Reduced energy use and greenhouse gas emissions from buildings and transportation
  • Cost savings for residents and businesses
  • Improved health and well-being of residents
  • Better quantity and quality of green space in urban areas
  • Increased preparedness of homes and communities to extreme weather events
  • Support local economic opportunities and innovation

“The Atmospheric Fund congratulates Caledon for advancing their Green Development Standards”, said Evan Wiseman, Senior Manager of Climate Policy with the Atmospheric Fund – a leading environmental organization that helped fund Caledon’s GDS project. “Caledon showed leadership in its inclusive community and stakeholder engagement process. This Standard will ensure future buildings in Caledon are designed with sustainable best practices in mind, supporting healthier, higher quality, and lower carbon homes and businesses with lower energy bills. Their progress should motivate other GTHA municipalities to adopt green standards for new construction if they haven’t already. This is a critical step toward Caledon’s net-zero future.”

Caledon’s Green Development Standard will come into effect July 1, 2024 for new applications. More information will be available soon at

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