News and Notices


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CBIZ: Established to foster innovation in Caledon

Posted on Wednesday, August 22, 2018 09:15 AM

Jith Dravin, Business Development & Research Officer at the Town of Caledon, provides his insights on innovation and what CBIZ offers to entrepreneurs.

Innovation is one of the most clichéd buzzwords currently in use at the workplace. But what exactly is innovation and how can it benefit Caledon? I define innovation as the ability to create value through new and improved processes, services or products. In this regard, CBIZ was established to foster innovation in Caledon by supporting the...

Caledon supports FARM 911: The Emily Project to make farms safer

Posted on Tuesday, August 21, 2018 09:00 AM

Emergency preparedness starts with being able to quickly identify a property location for first responders. Farmers can now apply for a municipal number for any vacant farm field to help first responders find an address in the case of an emergency. This is a coordinated initiative by the Peel Federation of Agriculture, Ontario Federation of Agriculture and The Town of Caledon.

“I encourage all farm field owners to apply for a municipal number,” said Mayor Allan Thompson. “If an emergency were to happen...

New Subdivision – Construction Route

New Subdivision – Construction Route

Posted on Thursday, August 16, 2018 11:00 AM

A new residential subdivision located on east side of Mt Pleasant Road north of the CP Rail line is currently under construction. Site grading works are ongoing, with site servicing works about to commence.

During this phase of construction, you may notice heavier truck traffic. This is due to delivery of construction materials (ie. pipes, granular material, concrete trucks, street lights, etc.) to facilitate the construction of new underground utilities, services, stormwater management facilities...

Bolton Gateway Park - Location Map

Bolton Gateway Park - Notice of Construction

Posted on Tuesday, August 14, 2018 12:30 PM

Construction of a new neighbourhood park is expected at 80 Morra Ave in Bolton.

Work includes the installation of paths, playground, hardcourt, turf, trees, and seating areas. The park area will be closed off with construction fencing.

The park area closure for this work will be effective as of:

Monday, August 20, 2018 (anticipated commencement date)
Friday, November 30, 2018 (anticipated completion date)

Service Caledon
905.584.2272 x.7750


Joy Scout Learnshops allow people to shine

Posted on Tuesday, August 14, 2018 11:00 AM

Heather Kendall believes that experiences prove to be better gifts than things. That thought led Kendall to start Joy Scout Learnshops, a platform offering unique learning experiences led by local artists, makers, chefs, and business owners, sharing their passion, ideas and skills. 

We met Heather Kendall who talked about bringing the community together as well as her passion for arts, crafts and all things that are ‘Made with Joy’.

What a unique business idea, tell us about it, how did it all...