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Council chambers

Council Highlights (November 23, 2021)

Posted on Tuesday, November 23, 2021 03:37 PM

Council Highlights is a summary of major discussion items presented at Council meetings - circulated immediately following each meeting. You are encouraged to quote from and/or copy this information. Please refer to the minutes at for an official record of the meeting.

Council reviews employment strategy

Council reviewed a presentation about the Town’s employment strategy, including a detailed analysis of economic trends in various employment sectors (office, industrial, retail,...

Media release

Caledon launches hybrid Council meetings to include virtual and in-person participation

Posted on Friday, November 19, 2021 11:22 AM

November 19, 2021 – Town of Caledon is launching a new hybrid model for Council and Committee meetings starting November 23 offering in-person and virtual participation options. 

For those who wish to participate or observe virtually, the live streaming service will remain available through

How to register

Those wishing to attend in person are invited to register in advance using an online form. They can also contact Council and Committee Services by phone at 905-584-2272...

Caledon Trailway

Construction on Caledon Trailway will bring town-wide high-speed internet

Posted on Monday, November 08, 2021 12:04 PM

November 8, 2021 -- Announced in January 2020, the installation of 35 km of new fibre optic cable will put roughly 85 per cent of Caledon residents and businesses within range of high-speed service.

This puts the Town of Caledon one step closer to completing a town-wide fibre optic backbone, with installation along major portions of the Caledon Trailway.

This portion of the project focuses on a section from Gore Road to Olde Base Line (see diagram below). Construction is set to begin November 9,...

Happy and Safe Diwali

Lighting up Diwali without fireworks

Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2021 10:27 AM

October 28, 2021 -- Caledon Fire and Emergency Services recognizes the importance of Diwali, the “Festival of Lights," for many in the Caledon community.

The Town often receives inquiries about the use of fireworks during Diwali. We would like to remind everyone that the Town of Caledon’s Fireworks By-Law does not currently permit fireworks during Diwali.

Setting off fireworks on residential properties, sidewalks, streets, public parks, school yards and any other public areas, outside of Victoria...

Council chambers

Council Highlights (October 26, 2021)

Posted on Wednesday, October 27, 2021 10:26 AM

Revised (October 28, 2021) - Council Highlights below includes updated information re: a Council motion regarding an asphalt plant application.


October 26, 2021 -- Council Highlights is a summary of major discussion items presented at Council meetings - circulated immediately following each meeting. You are encouraged to quote from and/or copy this information. Please refer to the minutes for an official record of the meeting. 

Orange Lodge

Council accepted the recommendation...