The Town of Caledon is dedicated to providing you with the information you need to stay informed and connected.
Events Calendar
Stay up to date with upcoming events in the Town of Caledon.
Media Releases
Read the latest media releases from Town of Caledon. Questions? Contact
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Caledon Day
Connecting our communities since 2008, this free community event provides an opportunity to celebrate together as a community!
Culture Days
Culture Days is a national celebration of arts, culture and heritage. This free festival is a behind-the-scenes, immersive experience of Caledon's rich arts and culture scene.
Public Meetings
Become included in the work and decisions of your community and local government.
Public Notices
Stay up to date with important Public Notices in the Town of Caledon.
Social Media
Connect with Caledon through social media. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
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We run surveys from time to time to get your feedback. Thank you for taking the time!
News and updates about the Town's response to COVID-19.
Take Care
Wellness resources for Town of Caledon staff to help during the pandemic.