Chinguacousy Road to Hurontario Street, South of Old School Road

The Town has received a proposed Official Plan Amendment application.

 Current Status
  • Planning staff determined the application to be incomplete and premature, and as a result staff brought forward a Report (2023-0115) to Planning and Development Committee on February 21, 2023 which recommended refusal of the application. Council referred the matter back to staff for additional information regarding the applications impact to the Town’s Growth Management and Phasing Plan.

  • The Town has not brought forward the Growth Management and Phasing Plan for adoption yet. An update on the Plan and the proposed Official Plan Amendment was provided to Council on July 26, 2023
  • The Town has received a Request for an Amendment to an MZO for a portion of the lands subject to this application.

Property Description

The subject lands are located between Chinguacousy Road and Hurontario Street, south of Old School Road.

  • Project Name: Brookvalley Phase 3
Location - Chinguacousy Road and Hurontario Street, south of Old School Road, Ward 2
 Location Map
 Official Plan Amendment
The proposed Official Plan Amendment seeks to expand the Mayfield West Phase 2 Secondary Plan Area to designate the lands as a settlement area, with various land use designations including low-density residential, medium density residential, environmental policy area, general commercial, institutional, open space policy area and stormwater pond facility.

The Planning Justification Report submitted with the application indicates that the lands will accommodate:
  • 4,550 dwelling units (1,883 single and semi-detached units, 1,412 rear-lane and street townhouse units, and 1,255 stacked and back-to-back townhouse dwelling units);
  • 13,061 people; and,
  • 914 population-related jobs.

The majority of the expansion area is identified as being low-density residential (single, semi-detached, rear-lane townhouse and street townhouse units), having a minimum density of 30 units per net hectare. The density for the medium-density residential (stacked and back-to-back townhouse units) is proposed to be a minimum of 120 units per hectare.

Updates and notices

Material Submitted

Contact us, or make an appointment to visit Town Hall to view studies not available online, or previous versions.

Lead Planner

Tanjot Bal, MCIP, RPP
Senior Planner
Development and Design
905-584-2272 ext. 4418 

Additional Resources

For more information about this matter, or to provide comments, feedback or ask questions, please contact the Lead Planner at Town Hall from Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.