Parking Rules and Regulations

The goal of our parking by-laws and regulations is safety!

Please note: In the Town there is a maximum three-hour parking limit and no parking between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. unless you have a parking pass. 

Apply for a parking pass

Rules and regulations

For more detail about any of the rules below please view our Traffic By-law. If you have any questions please contact Regulatory Services. 

Do's and Don'ts for parking at your home

Boulevard Parking

Graphic that shows the appropriate way to park in a boulevard (not overlapping street or sidewalk)


Driveway Parking

Graphic that shows the appropriate way to park multiple cars in a driveway (not overlapping sidewalk or lawn)


Street Parking

Graphic that shows the appropriate way to park on the street (parallel to curb, in direction of traffic and not blocking a driveway)

No parking signs

You may stop briefly to drop off passengers or unload goods but must not park, wait in your vehicle indefinitely or leave your vehicle unattended.

If an Officer doesn't see loading or unloading while the vehicle is in a no parking area, they may issue a ticket.

No stopping signs

You are not allowed to stop a vehicle at a no stopping sign even briefly, such as for the loading or unloading of passengers or goods.

No parking between 2 a.m. to 6 a.m.

You cannot park overnight on roads within the Town or in Town-owned facility parking lots between the hours of 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. unless you have a valid parking pass.

There is no requirement for a sign stating this to be visible at the parking location. There are signs indicating this rule at major roadways at the entrances to Caledon.

No parking longer than permitted

Please note any signs that prohibit parking in excess of the time limits on the sign.

No parking longer than three hours

You cannot park a vehicle on a roadway longer than three hours unless you have a valid parking pass.

There is no requirement for a sign stating this to be visible at the parking location. There are signs indicating this rule at major roadways at the entrances to Caledon.

No parking on municipal property without authorization

You can only park on municipal property if a sign is posted and you park during the allowed hours that are indicated.

No parking within three metres of fire hydrant

You cannot park a vehicle within three metres of a fire hydrant.

No parking in designated fire route

You cannot park a vehicle at any time, even if occupied, on or along a designed fire route.

No parking on a scenic road

You cannot park on any road that is signed as a scenic road.

Bike lanes, boulevards, sidewalks, footpaths or crosswalks

You are not allowed to:

  • Park a vehicle in a bike lane, normally identified by signs or pavement markings
  • Park a vehicle on a boulevard including letting part of the vehicle overhang onto the grassed or paved portion
  • Stop or park a vehicle over a sidewalk so that it blocks or overhangs the travelled portion
  • Stop or halt a vehicle over a crosswalk or footpath

Intersections and curbs

You cannot:

  • Park a vehicle within nine metres of an intersection (measured from the end of the corner radius); nor
  • Stop or halt a vehicle in an intersection except when necessary to avoid other traffic or follow traffic controls signs or signals


When parking next to a raised curb, your front and rear wheels must be parallel and not more than 15 centimetres away from the curb.

You cannot park your vehicle beside a curb facing the opposite direction of the flow of traffic. The passenger side of your vehicle must be on the same side as the curb.

You must make sure that your parked vehicle does not overhang the curb.

School parking

If you are dropping off or picking up a child at school, please obey all No Parking and No Stopping signs. Illegal parking near schools congestion, it can be dangerous if drivers can't see children or other pedestrians crossing the street.

Children are not good at judging vehicle speed and young pedestrians and cyclists can be unpredictable. They may jump from the sidewalk onto the road at any time.

Follow these rules to make our schools zones safer:

  • Pre-arrange where you will drop off and pick up your child. Consider a nearby parking lot or area away from the school and not within a restricted parking zone.
  • Use kiss and ride areas if provided.
  • Be courteous: aggressive driving is dangerous!
  • Carpool with other parents to reduce congestion and save fuel.
  • Encourage your children to walk to school if possible.
  • Be patient and drive with caution at all times.

Special Enforcement Area

Our Traffic By-law has provisions for designated areas where "No Parking" or "No Stopping" infractions have fines of $75, compared to $45 in other areas.