The Town approves street names for both public and private streets within the Town of Caledon.
Caledon reserve list of approved street names
The Town, in consultation with the Region of Peel Street Names Committee, maintains the Caledon Reserve List of Approved Street Names for use in the naming of new streets or the renaming of existing streets.
Heritage names |
Name |
Suggested Use Area |
Ableson |
Ward 1 |
Ainsworth Dyer |
Town-wide |
Alex Raeburn |
Town-wide |
Alfred Docherty |
Town-wide |
Archie Gould |
Town-wide |
Argyleshire |
Ward 1 (Melville) |
Batts |
Ward 1 |
Beethan |
Town-wide |
Bertha |
Ward 4 |
Bible |
Ward 1 |
Binnie |
Ward 1 (Melville) |
Bob Cannon |
Town-wide |
Bottoms |
Town-wide |
Bourke |
Ward 5 |
Bowering |
Ward 1 |
Bullock |
Ward 4, 5 |
Byam |
Ward 1 (Belfountain) |
Caister |
Town-wide |
Cecil Clarkway |
Town-wide |
Coburn |
Ward 1 (Caledon Village) |
Cooney |
Ward 4 |
Copithorn |
Town-wide |
Couterville |
Town-wide |
Crone |
Town-wide |
David Milne |
Ward 4 (Palgrave) |
Dick Pallett |
Town-wide |
Donald Parks |
Bolton |
Donald Malloy |
Town-wide |
Don Currie |
Town-wide |
Dowswell |
Town-wide |
Edith |
Town-wide |
Edwardian |
Town-wide |
Elmer Isler |
Ward 4 |
Emack |
Ward 5 |
Emeline Shadd |
Town-wide |
Erskine |
Town-wide |
Eurekas |
Town-wide |
Eva |
Palgrave |
Fessenden |
Ward 1, 4 (Mono Mills) |
George Wright |
Town-wide |
Gubbin |
Town-wide |
Haffey (Not Road) |
Town-wide |
Hageman |
Ward 1 |
Hosick |
Town-wide |
Husheon |
Ward 4 |
Ingoldsby |
Town-wide |
Iola |
Ward 5 |
Joan Graham |
Town-wide |
John Alexander |
Ward 1 |
John Brownlee |
Town-wide |
John Davidson |
Town-wide |
John Holden |
Town-wide |
Keith McCreary |
Town-wide |
Keith Not Crt./Cres.) |
Ward 1 |
Leo Beckett |
Town-wide |
Leech |
Town-wide |
Leeson |
Ward 1 |
Lily French |
Town-wide |
Lindsey Westlake |
Town-wide |
Limebeer |
Town-wide |
Lime Kiln |
Town-wide |
Lipsett |
Town-wide |
Lloydtown |
Town-wide |
Lougheed |
Ward 2, Mono Road |
Lyn Cowieson |
Town-wide |
MacTaggart |
Ward 1 (Belfountain) |
Mae |
Ward 4, 5 |
Maloy |
Ward 4 |
Maw |
Town-wide |
McCloskay |
Ward 1 |
McCorly |
Ward 4 |
McGibbon |
Town-wide |
McGrath |
Town-wide |
McNeven |
Town-wide |
McNichol |
Ward 1 |
McQuarry |
Ward 1 |
McTavish |
Ward 1 (Melville) |
Mishaw |
Town-wide |
Mothersill |
Town-wide |
Mount Hurst |
Ward 1 |
Murray Judge |
Town-wide |
Neelands (Not Lane) |
Ward 1 |
OBrien |
Ward 1 |
Ologlan |
Ward 4 |
Pedlow |
Ward 4 |
Penbetton |
Town-wide |
Pinkney |
Ward 1 |
Potts |
Ward 5 |
Puudence |
Town-wide |
Rawn |
Ward 4, Mono Mills |
Richard Whitehead |
Town-wide |
Roadhouse |
Ward 4 (Mount Wolfe) |
Saint Cornelius |
Ward 4 |
Saint Judes |
Town-wide |
Salmonville |
Ward 2 (Terra Cotta) |
Sleswick |
Ward 4 |
Smeaton |
Town-wide |
Snell |
Ward 2, 5 |
Speersville |
Town-wide |
Strothers |
Ward 1 |
Swinarton |
Ward 4 |
Trathen |
Town-wide |
Tubtown |
Ward 1 (Belfountain) |
Tuckers Mill |
Ward 2 (Terra Cotta) |
Uberta |
Ward 4 (Mount Wolfe) |
Urla |
Town-wide |
Walter Peters |
Town-wide |
Whealy |
Town-wide |
Veteran names |
Name |
Albert Armstrong (Not Street) |
Albert Crocker (Not Drive/Street) |
Albert Edwards (Not Street) |
Albert Ruston (Not Crescent/Street) |
Albert Stronge (Not Court/Street) |
Algie |
Bismutka |
Bone |
Elwon McDonald (Not Street) |
Ernest Jackson (Not Road) |
Ezeard |
Fish |
Frederick Jackson (Not Street/Road) |
George Bradshaw (Not Street) |
George Crozier (Not Court/Street) |
George Reid (Not Drive/Street) |
Herbert Cooper (Not Avenue) |
Herbert Jamieson (Not Crescent) |
James Dent (Not Street) |
James Turner (Not Drive/Street) |
John Banks (Not Street) |
John Cooper (Not Avenue) |
John Tribble (Not Court) |
Joseph Agar |
Joseph Conley (Not Court/Street) |
Lawrence Matthews (Not Crescent/Gate) |
Leonard Lloyd (Not Crescent/Street) |
Philip Stephenson (Not Court) |
Reginald Clifton (Not Court) |
Robert McAllister |
Ronald Anderson (Not Court/Crescent) |
Samuel Nunn (Not Road) |
Sidney Cornforth (Not Drive) |
Sidney Dennison (Not Avenue or Drive) |
Widdis (Not Court) |
Non-heritage names |
Name |
Accordion |
Adorable |
Arctic Hare |
Arkall |
Art Deco (Not Circle) |
Artichoke |
Aspiration (Not Cres.) |
Astounding |
Babiuk |
Bagpiper |
Beaker |
Beauregard |
Bedrock |
Bespoke |
Billy Boss |
Binbridge |
Birdbath |
Birdsnest |
Birmanwood |
Bountiful |
Bradfield |
Bufflehead |
Chamomile |
Charlsalt |
Chessboard |
Chive |
Chocolate |
Choir |
Clematis |
Cludge |
Cool Breeze |
Copper Barrel |
Count Basie |
Crupper |
Cucumber |
Dadra |
Darjeeling |
Darkwing |
David Hughes |
Dazzling |
Delight |
Diamond Jubilee (Not Court) |
Disposition |
Doppler (Not Crescent) |
Dorazmeyer |
Doreen |
Dorisjean |
Douglas Fir (Not Dr. or Rd.) |
Duckling |
Dungaree |
Dutch Warmblood |
Ecoregion |
Electron (Not Court or Road) |
Element |
Endeavour |
Endurance |
Ensemble |
Ernie Coombs |
Esmerelda |
Fermanagh |
Fishtoft |
Floral Glen |
Flintstone |
Flying Squirrel |
French Horn |
Gala |
Genius |
Ginesio |
Gingham |
Ginsburg |
Gino |
Goblin |
Goku |
Gonzo |
Gopher |
Gothic |
Groundhog |
Guide |
Gypsy Vanner |
Halfpipe |
Healthy |
Hearty |
Herb Garden |
High Tea |
Homespun |
Hook Bill |
Horseferry |
Horsetail |
Horsleydown |
Hotspur |
Icing |
Indigo Bunting (not Crescent) |
Infant |
Insightful |
Inventive |
Inverhome |
Italianate |
Jane Callwood |
Jovial |
Jubilation |
Keith (Not Court or Crescent) |
Kermit |
Knowledge |
Koopa |
Lady Mary |
Lamoka |
Larkpoint |
Lemmie |
Lipizzan |
Lodgepole |
Lord Byron |
Ludwig |
Manipuri |
Mayhem |
Meeples |
Metamorphosis |
Minorca |
Mud Puddles |
Mustard |
Nali |
Namaste |
Narwhal |
Neelands (No Lane) |
Oboe |
Oregano |
Ormiston |
Orpington |
Pagewire |
Painted Bunting |
Pastoral |
Pedro |
Percussion |
Perseverance |
Petemar |
Polwarth |
Porchswing |
Portobello |
Prodigy |
Promise |
Proton |
Puddle Jump |
Pulsar |
Purple Martin |
Quatrefoil |
Radish |
Raku |
Reggae |
Reinmoor |
Remarkable |
Renaissance |
Renewal |
Rhode Island Red |
Rhubarb |
Rice |
Riding House |
Rita Joe |
Rizzo |
Rodyna |
Rolhen |
Romanesque (Not Court) |
Romanov |
Rooster |
Sally |
Saxophone |
Serenade |
Serendipity |
Sergeant Pepper |
Sexton |
Shindig |
Shingler |
Sincere |
Sitar |
Ski Run |
Skylucy |
Skywalker |
Snelbrook |
Sopwith |
Spinach |
Splendid |
Stones Throw |
Surprise |
Swinging Bridge |
Swingset |
Tadpole |
Tappa |
Tickety Boo |
Tiny Mall |
Triangle (Not Circle/Square) |
Vanilla |
Versatile |
Victor Beamish |
Virtuoso |
War Admiral |
Warm Breeze |
Wensleydale |
Werewolf |
Wine Barrel |
Wonderful |
Wyberton |
Yash |
Yellow Submarine |
Zucchini |
Requesting street names
Where new streets, either public or private, are proposed through a development application, the Town will require the developer to submit a list of requested street names at the time their application is submitted to the Town for review and approval. The Town recommends including more street names than required based on the number of streets in the development. The street names will then be reviewed by the Town and Region of Peel Street Names Committee. Street names must be approved prior to draft plan approval or other approval (i.e. Site Plan Approval).
A resident or other interested party can request a street name or a change in name by submitting the request to
Corporate street naming policy
The Town has created a Corporate Policy on Street Naming to establish criteria for the naming of streets in the Town of Caledon, encouraging the use of street names of local significance.
This policy applies to all staff, Council, the Region of Peel Street Names Committee, the development industry, property owners and businesses for the naming of both public and privates streets.
Corporate Street Naming Policy and Procedure |
Region of Peel street names committee
The Region of Peel and area municipalities, including the Town of Caledon, work closely together on the Region of Peel Street Names Committee to review all street names proposed for new development and the renaming of existing streets, to ensure there is no duplication, whether it sounds similar to existing or approved street names, is difficult to spell or difficult to pronounce in an emergency situation.
For more information, please see the Region of Peel’s street names and guidelines.