Caledon launches 311 service for residents

February 4, 2022 – As of today, Caledon residents can now call 311 to access municipal services. 311 will make it easier for residents to find the information they need, faster, by replacing the need to call the Town's 10-digit customer service phone number.
“311 is all about improving service to our residents,” said Mayor Allan Thompson. “The internet is great; email is great; social media is great…but for many of us the phone is still the quickest, most efficient way to get information. And if you want to speak to an actual person, our friendly, professional Service Caledon associates are among the best!”
311 is a well-known number for municipal services in Ontario that can be accessed by residents easily and conveniently. It replaces the need for residents to call a specific Town number.
When they call 311, residents will be directed to the appropriate municipal or regional service based on their needs. The service works whether the caller is using a cell phone or a land line.
The 311 implementation was approved by Council as part of its 2021 Budget and is the result of months of testing and collaboration between the Town of Caledon, the Region of Peel and telecommunications providers.