Council approves 11 of 12 rezoning applications in proactive step to address housing crisis

June 26, 2024 (CALEDON, ON) – At the Council Meeting on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, Council approved the rezoning of 11 of 12 development applications to provide nearly 35,000 housing units in Caledon as it prepares to grow to 300,000 residents by 2051. Rezoning of the lot municipally known as 12522 and 12580 Torbram Road was referred back to staff for further consideration and will return to Council on Tuesday, July 23, 2024. This vote of Council comes after Mayor Annette Groves announced last week a partial rescission of her strong mayor powers, returning to a traditional majority vote. 

“Bringing forward the applications is the right thing to do to protect Caledon’s future, and this was confirmed on Tuesday by the vote of Council,” commented Mayor Annette Groves. “By proactively and holistically addressing our planning challenges we can best determine where Caledon grows, better direct our infrastructure investments, and ensure our community has the necessary amenities for residents.” 

At the Council meeting on March 26, Mayor Annette Groves gave direction to advance the rezoning of the 12 development applications, all of which are inside the Town’s urban boundary or existing settlement areas. Since then, the Town held a statutory public meeting on the by-laws and hosted a series of four community information sessions across Caledon to provide detailed information about the development applications and to listen to and answer questions from the public. Information on each session, including recordings of the meetings and updated FAQs based on questions presented by residents are available online: Planning applications under mayoral direction - Town of Caledon

The Town is committed to proactively addressing the housing crisis and meeting Caledon’s growth forecast to 2051. This move will advance the objectives of the new Official Plan “Future Caledon”, by helping ensure significant development applications progress in a timely manner, as well as ensure infrastructure and services are aligned. 

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Media contact:  

Lavina Dixit 
Manager, Communications 
905.584.2272 x. 4076 | | @TownofCaledon