Council Highlights (October 4, 2021)


October 4, 2021 -- Council Highlights is a summary of major discussion items presented at Council meetings - circulated immediately following each meeting. You are encouraged to quote from and/or copy this information. Please refer to the minutes for an official record of the meeting. 

Special Council meeting - Future Caledon official plan review

Council met today for a staff presentation on Caledon’s official plan review. It was an opportunity for Councillors to review growth principles and issues, to help inform smart land use decisions in the future.

The official plan review presentation highlighted:

  • Region of Peel’s 2051 official plan review regarding housing and employment  boundary expansions;
  • urban area enhancements;
  • transportation and servicing updates; and
  • aggregate policy review.

Members of Council also discussed the need for more employment lands and possible boundary expansions for more housing in Caledon Village and Inglewood. Traffic capacity and movement remains a key issue, while climate change is an overarching theme when discussing growth in Caledon.

Members of Council also received advice on the Peel 2051 Regional Official Plan Review. Correspondence outlining Council’s position on the scope of the Review will be made public and provided to the Region and the Province. The Region’s next Planning and Growth Management Committee meeting is being held Thursday, October 7, 2021 at 10 a.m.

The public is encouraged to provide input into Caledon’s official plan review through the following engagement opportunities:

  • sign-up to delegate (speak) at an upcoming Council meeting when planning is on the agenda;
  • attend the Future Caledon official plan review Open House October 18, 2021;
  • visit to provide input on Caledon’s official plan review;
  • take the Future Caledon vision survey.