Council Highlights (February 22, 2022)

February 22, 2022 -- Council Highlights is a summary of major discussion items presented at Council meetings - circulated immediately following each meeting. You are encouraged to quote from and/or copy this information. Please refer to the minutes at for an official record of the meeting.
Reese’s Rink
In commemoration of Reese Meyer, a special young hockey player who was tragically lost in 2020, Council adopted a motion to name the new permanent outdoor rink at the Caledon East Community Complex after him.
“Reese’s Rink” will offer a constant reminder to live life to the fullest, imbued with the innocence and curiosity of youth – as Reese did -- and inspire the youth of our community to explore their passions, be it sports, arts, education or community involvement.
Post-pandemic Recovery
Council adopted a motion to use Town communications channels to encourage the re-engagement and participation of residents in programs, events and programs.
This is in recognition of how the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a decrease in person-to-person interaction, the cancellation of important community-building events, and has impacted the local economy.
2022 Municipal and School Board Election
Following extensive public engagement through, Council adopted a recommendation to conduct the forthcoming municipal and school board election this October using an in-person paper ballot process.
The decision reflects the experience of several municipalities in the 2018 election who had technical difficulties with internet voting. As there are pockets of Caledon where internet connectivity is variable, in-person paper ballot voting – the traditional method used by the Town – is secure and reliable by comparison.
As well, paper balloting creates an anonymous physical back-up if there is any question about the election results or a recount is necessary.
Broadband Internet Connectivity
Providing high-speed (broadband) internet throughout Caledon is a top priority of Council in its current work plan. The Province of Ontario has changed how it funds broadband projects, with a goal of providing broadband to all residents by 2025 and the Town is updating its strategy to best position to bring projects to Caledon.
To ensure the Town can respond to the new process, Council adopted a recommendation – in anticipation of an influx of permit applications – to support two staff positions to ensure the Town can provide expedited service levels and help Internet Service Providers get services to residents faster.
Municipal Code of Conduct
To help ensure Members of Council have a safe and respectful environment in which to carry out their duties, Council adopted a motion asking the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to strengthen the Municipal Code of Conduct to include protections against harassment and discrimination, consistent standards for all municipalities, and a social media policy for members of council.
The request also includes an amendment that would allow Integrity Commissioners the authority to impose sanctions with the approval of Council.
Public Transit
The City of Brampton, through Brampton Transit, already provides bus services to parts of Caledon, for example along Mayfield Road and Airport Road, as well as into Southfields Village.
To support active transportation and more transit options for residents, Council adopted a motion that directs staff to explore expanded transit services on major corridors north of Mayfield Road.
Ministerial Zoning Order Requests
In light of unprecedented growth, accompanied by premature requests for Minister’s Zoning Orders (MZOs) designed to circumvent the normal approval process, Council adopted a motion to clarify the process by which Council considers such requests.
Prior to considering any MZO request, Council has directed that:
- a public information meeting be held;
- Town staff recommend its approval;
- it conform with provincial plans; and
- it include a clear statement of justification.