Council Highlights June 20, 2023

Regional Government Transition Board  

Council voted to ask the Province to as soon as possible, form the Transition Board for Bill 112, “Hazel McCallion Act” that dissolves the of the Region of Peel and set a work plan that makes decisions quickly. The Region of Peel currently employs over 7,000 full and part time staff who will be affected by the dissolution. Council also voted to request the creation of a working group to collaborate with the human resources leaders in each of the municipalities to ensure consistency for future hiring opportunities in each of the municipalities for Region of Peel staff. 

Community Revitalization Projects  

The Town will move forward with the following community revitalization projects: “Mainstreet Makeover” Community Improvement Plan updates; Community Investment program; Bylaw Research; Events Framework; Bolton Urban Design Study; First Impressions Community Exchange (FICE); Walkabouts initiatives; and the Community and Economic Vitality plan. A Caledon East Revitalization Task Force will be created to recommend and begin community projects and help guide staff for the revitalization of downtown Caledon East. 

Caledon East Community Complex Walking Track – no cost access for older adults   

Council voted to make the walking track at the Caledon East Community Complex free for older adults. A schedule will be set to offer times when the complex opens in the fall. 

Illegal Land Use Enforcement expands   

The Town’s Illegal Land Use Enforcement Task force’s role was expanded beyond illegal trucking to other types of illegal land uses such as wedding event centres and places of worship. The Town is asking the Province to strengthen municipal enforcement powers to enable municipalities to stop entry to properties where illegal land uses have significant impacts on residential properties, the environment, or create unsafe situations. The Town is also looking for more meaningful fines for property owners who disregard the Town’s bylaws. The Province will be asked to increase penalty amounts in the Planning Act. 

Revised Draft Official Plan  

A revised draft of the Future Caledon Official Plan, is now available for review online. Staff updated the draft using all public and stakeholder feedback received to date. The public are invited to provide input on the draft plan throughout July and August. The revised plan will be sent for review to Indigenous Nations with traditional and territorial rights in the Town, the Region of Peel and other technical review agencies.  

Staff will continue to revise the draft Future Caledon Official Plan over the summer months based on feedback and release an updated draft before formal public consultation in September 2023. Two public open houses and a public meeting are planned for September 2023. 

Bylaw Review - Council and Committees  

The Town of Caledon will be conducting a review of its Procedural By-law for governing the proceedings of its Council and Committee meetings. The review will include public engagement, input from members of Council and a look at best practices from other municipalities. A draft by-law is anticipated to be brought forward later this year.   

Sister City Signing Ceremony  

The Sister City signing ceremony with the Town of Caledon and the Town of Isola del Liri in Italy will be on July 17, 2023 in the Council Chamber of the municipality of Isola del Liri in Italy with Mayor Annette Groves and Mayor Massimiliano Quadrini. Three initiatives will be the focus for the partnership that align with existing projects in 2023: 

·       Public Art  

·       Celebration of Italian Heritage 

·       Tourism Marketing Campaign 

Council Highlights is a summary of major discussion items at Council meetings. Please refer to for video and meeting minutes posted in the following weeks.