Deadline to designate heritage properties extended two years

June 13, 2024 (CALEDON, ON) – On June 6, 2024, Ontario passed Bill 200, Homeowner Protection Act that amended several pieces of legislation including the Ontario Heritage Act, providing an extension of two more years for municipalities to issue notices of intention to designate listed, non-designated heritage properties before they must be removed from the municipal Heritage Register. The deadline for automatic removal of all listed, non-designated properties from the Town’s Heritage Register is now January 1, 2027, instead of January 1, 2025.  

“Caledon is home to a unique and wide array of heritage properties and resources, from its agricultural landscapes to its hamlets and villages,” said Mayor Annette Groves. “It is critical we preserve our heritage sites as they connect us to our history, culture and identity, offering invaluable insights and a sense of place and continuity. Thanks to Council's advocacy along with other municipalities to request the Province extend the deadline, staff are getting more time to protect our heritage.” 

“This move will go a long way towards helping our staff address the need to protect our heritage resources through designation,” commented Eric Lucic, Commissioner of Planning and Development. “The short deadline posed a large threat to the protection of Caledon’s heritage.” 

With the previous 2025 deadline fast approaching, Council passed a motion in May asking the province for an extension of five years, and allocated funds to hire a contract Heritage Planner to assist with the backlog of properties under consideration.  

The Town has enhanced Caledon’s ability to proactively respond to the provincial deadline with the recent hiring of a Heritage Planner dedicated to preparing designation reports. Nearly 70 listed, non-designated properties have been identified through the Heritage Designation Prioritization Strategy as under the greatest threat of being lost and to date Council has approved Notices of Intention to Designate 11 of them, while staff work actively to bring forward more.      

Heritage designation is the public recognition and protection of the heritage value of buildings, sites or cultural features in a community. The Town’s Heritage Register currently includes over 1000 listed, non-designated properties and several hundred designated properties.  

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