Free activities for Recreation and Parks Month

June 6, 2024 (CALEDON, ON) – ‘Find your Fit’ in June! Throughout June, Caledon residents can enjoy a wide range of free activities and outdoor amenities as part of the Town’s commitment to fostering a healthy and vibrant community. With the generous support of ParticipACTION Canada, Caledon residents are also invited to get active and connect with others by participating in the Community Challenge

Explore Our Free Activities and Classes 

Stay active this June by taking advantage of an array of complimentary activities designed to get you moving and enhance your well-being. Our offerings include: 

  • Swimming: Dive into our community pools for open swim sessions. 

  • Skating: Lace up your skates and hit the ice for some fun and exercise. 

  • Yoga in the Park: Join us for relaxing and rejuvenating yoga sessions in the great outdoors. 

  • Outdoor Cardio, Strength, and Flexibility Exercises: Participate in various fitness classes tailored to boost your cardiovascular health, build strength, and improve flexibility. 

The Benefits of Recreation 

Engaging in regular physical activity has numerous benefits, including: 

  • Improved Physical Health: Regular exercise helps maintain a healthy weight, strengthens muscles and bones, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases. 

  • Mental Well-being: Physical activity is known to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, while improving overall mood and cognitive function. 

  • Social Connections: Participating in community activities provides opportunities to meet new people, fostering a sense of belonging and community spirit. 

  • Enhanced Quality of Life: Active living contributes to greater life satisfaction and overall happiness. 

Join Us This June 

“June is Recreation and Parks Month, and we are encouraging all residents to try our free activities,” said Mayor Annette Groves. “There are countless opportunities to get active in Caledon, and we invite everyone to find their fit and experience the joy and benefits of staying active.” 

Take this opportunity to explore new activities, meet fellow residents, and enjoy the beautiful parks and facilities that Caledon has to offer. Let’s make this June a month of movement, health, and community connection! 

For full details on all free activities, free outdoor amenities, and their locations, visit

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Media Contact: 

Lavina Dixit 
Manager, Communications 
905.584.2272 x. 4076 | | @TownofCaledon