Notice of Adoption - Future Caledon Official Plan

A notice of adoption of By-law 2024-014 to adopt Future Caledon, a new Official Plan for the Town of Caledon can be viewed here. This Official Plan sets out a strategic and comprehensive approach to guiding growth and development throughout the Town of Caledon to the 2051 planning horizon. The Official Plan achieves this by providing goals, objectives and direction on matters such as: environmental protection, managing and directing growth, planning for employment and jobs, protecting agricultural and rural lands, facilitating intensification and a diverse housing supply, and establishing a Town structure that will facilitate the growth of walkable and transit-oriented communities. The 1978 Official Plan, as amended, remains in effect for lands identified as Rural Service Centres, Secondary Plans, mineral aggregate resources Town-wide, and other areas as noted in Section 1.2 of the new Official Plan. Part B and Part G of the new Official Plan are to apply to all lands within the Town of Caledon. 

If you have any questions regarding the notice, please contact Steve Burke, Manager, Strategic Policy Planning, Planning Department at