Notice of Adoption: Ontario Heritage Act Alternative Notice Policy

TAKE NOTICE: As per council resolution 2024-171, the Town of Caledon has adopted the Ontario Heritage Act Alternative Notice Policy. The objective of this Policy is to establish an alternative method for the Town to provide public notice required under the Ontario Heritage Act (the “Act”) by publishing notices on the Town website, whereas currently these public notices are published in the local newspaper. This Policy provides timely, clear and accessible communication that is fiscally and environmentally sustainable.

For future notices related to the Act, such as Notices of Intention to Designate and Notices of Passing of By-laws, please refer to the Public Notices page on the Town’s website. Public notice required under the Act will still be given in the local newspaper for all notices related to heritage conservation districts and may still be given for other matters under the Act where appropriate.

For more details please refer to the Town of Caledon’s Ontario Heritage Act Alternative Notice Policy webpage.