Notice of Intention to Designate: 12304 Heart Lake Road

TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Caledon intends to designate the following property as being of cultural heritage value or interest under Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter O.18:

12304 Heart Lake Road

12304 Heart Lake Road Front12304 Heart Lake Road Side

The property is located on the west side of Heart Lake Road, north of Mayfield Road, within the east half of Lot 19, Concession 2 EHS, former geographic Township of Chinguacousy.

The design value or physical value of the property at 12304 Heart Lake Road is linked to its 19th century stone farmhouse and associated bank barn. The house is estimated to have been constructed between 1877 and 1891, and is a representative example of an Ontario Gothic Cottage. The building’s one-and-a-half storey height, symmetrical three-bay front façade with centre gable peak, segmentally arched and rectangular two-over-two wood windows, two over-two lancet wood window, and carved stone lintels and sills are all characteristic of this style. The farmhouse is of rubble stone construction, parged with mortar to resemble ashlar block. It displays a high degree of craftmanship in the details of the carved stone lintels above the door and windows on the front section of the house.

The barn on the property is a representative example of a Central Ontario bank barn. Built to a rectangular plan with a bank constructed to the north side, the barn exhibits elements consistent with barn construction in Ontario from the mid-nineteenth to early twentieth centuries. Characteristic features of the style include the use of heavy timber framing, a field stone foundation and gable roof.

The property has historical value and associative value for its use as a farm for at least 130 years. As such, it is directly associated with the agricultural development of the former Township of Chinguacousy. This theme is significant as it historically contributed to the community’s early economic growth and continues to be practiced today. Historically, the farmhouse was occupied by the Craig family, who were early settlers and landowners in this part of the former Township of Chinguacousy.

The property has contextual value in that it is functionally and historically linked to its surroundings as indicated by the presence and placement of the farmhouse and barn, the associated circulation patterns including the tree-lined laneway, and the surrounding agricultural fields that continue to reflect the function of the historical farmstead.


Please contact Heritage staff at for further information regarding the cultural heritage value and heritage attributes of these properties.


Any person may, within thirty days after publication of this notice, dated September 26, 2024, serve the Clerk notice of their objection to the proposed designation in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act, setting out the reason for the objection and all relevant facts.

By email:                                                         By mail, courier or personal delivery attention:
Kevin Klingenberg                                           Kevin Klingenberg, Corporate Services/Town Clerk
Town Clerk                                                      6311 Old Church Road                       Caledon ON L7C 1J6

Notice Date: September 26, 2024