Setting the Record Straight: A Statement from the CAO

On Thursday, July 18, 2024, Global News released a story on the strong mayors in Peel that included statements from Ward 2 Councillor Dave Sheen that were incorrectly stated as facts.

The Town of Caledon has a duty to provide accurate information and correct the record if needed. We also have a duty to protect the reputation of the Town, and staff, present and past. This duty is heightened when someone from the Town misrepresents the facts.

The article stated that Councillor Sheen said that several staff were let go. Three of these employees, named by position, left voluntarily to pursue exciting new opportunities. Any suggestion their employment was terminated is false and could harm their reputations today and in future.

The article also stated that Councillor Sheen alleged Mayor Groves violated the fundamentals of the Municipal Act with parts of my contract. Again, this is false, and any suggestion the Mayor has broken the law harms her reputation and those of the Town, and our employees, residents, and businesses.

The Town has asked Global News to correct the article and is determining next steps internally. To our former employees, current staff, and residents, you deserve better.

Nathan Hyde

CAO, Town of Caledon