Sound Barrier Detailed Design for Albion Vaughan Road

Update (November 1, 2021)
The completion date for this construction project has been extended until December 22, 2021, with tree planting anticipated for spring 2022, weather permitting. No road closure is anticipated.
Update (May 31, 2021)
The Town of Caledon (Town) has retained a contractor Powell Fence Ltd. to complete the construction of the sound barrier wall installation along the west side of Albion Vaughan Road from the Canadian Pacific Railway tracks to Nunnville Road.
No road closure is anticipated.
Update (July 22, 2020)
The Town of Caledon (Town) has retained a new engineering consultant Chisholm, Fleming & Associates to complete the detailed design for the new concrete sound barrier along the west side of Albion Vaughan Road from the Canadian Pacific Railway tracks to Nunnville Road.
Various field studies will be performed including sound measurements in rear yards, topographical surveying, geotechnical drilling, and utility locating. Construction is scheduled to commence in 2021.
Update (June 7, 2019)
The Town of Caledon has retained The Greer Galloway Group Inc. to complete a detailed design for sound barriers along the west boulevard of Albion Vaughan Road from the Canadian Pacific Railway tracks to Nunnville Road. The detailed design work is a result of the Road Traffic Noise Study which was completed in 2018.
Shun Cheung, P.Eng., PMP
Project Manager, Engineering Services
Tel: (905) 584-2272 x.4040
Robert Friscioni
Project Manager, Chisholm Fleming & Associates
Tel: (416) 779-5567