Town of Caledon hosts ‘Unearth Uncover’ exhibit in recognition of Black History Month

February 14, 2023 – The Town of Caledon, in collaboration with the City of Mississauga and the Peel District School Board, is pleased to be hosting pieces from the Unearth Uncover exhibit created by Cawthra Park Secondary School students.

Residents are encouraged to visit the exhibition which runs from January 19 through March 17 at Caledon Centre for Recreation, Caledon East Community Centre and/or Southfields Community Centre. This exhibition features student-made artwork featuring prominent Black Canadians which highlight the exclusion and erasure of Black History in Canadian curriculum.

“I encourage you to check out the powerful artwork on display in our recreation facilities,” said Mayor Annette Groves. “However, recognizing Black culture in Canada does not end in February. As our community grows, we continue to take action on social topics and demonstrate awareness of important cultural initiatives”.

The Town’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) program, developed in 2021, guides efforts in fostering all cultures and communities that call Caledon home. The staff-led Diversity Equity and Inclusion Roundtable have also been working to provide social and educational opportunities to Town staff such as lunch and learns, documentary screenings, webinars and more.

This February and beyond, the Town of Caledon reaffirms our commitment to celebrating Black culture, providing educational opportunities to staff, recognizing Black history, amplifying Black voices and celebrating the lives of Black Canadians.

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