Town of Caledon pleased with 2023 budget process

Town Council discussed the 2023 budget at yesterday’s General Committee with a goal of keeping the tax increase as minimal as possible while maintaining service levels and preparing for growth 

Through discussion Council brought the Town of Caledon portion of the tax rate down from 3.68 to 2.03 per cent. 

The 2023 Budget is focused on community growth and continuous improvement while meeting legislative requirements. Final budget approval is set for the February 28 meeting of Council. 

I am very pleased with the work and results of our 2023 budget at this point,” said Mayor Annette GrovesAs a Council we sharpened our pencils and worked with staff to bring the budget down to a 2.03 per cent increase from the Town. This achieves a balance between providing the services our residents and businesses depend on daily and keeping the tax increase as low as possible. I applaud our leadership team for helping us prepare a budget that serves the Town as a whole, helps us prepare for growth and manage the many legislative changes and financial impacts we are experiencing.” 

To get taxes down, Council removed the 2 per cent cost of living salary increase for Mayor and Council, the RJ Potts bandshell project and reduced costs for recreation fixtures and furnitureMajor investments in the town remain like recreation improvements, library services, roads and fire stations. An increase to support program funding for low-income seniors and those with disabilities were added to the budget. 

So far, the 2023 budget will have a tax rate increase of 2.39 per cent including the portion for the Region of Peel and school boardsThe impact for the typical household will be approximately $130 a year. 

In this budget we looked at our operational needs, legislative changes and the longer-term growth needs on the horizon,” said Myuran Palasandrian, Chief Financial Officer for Caledon. An increase below 2 per cent would have had a negative impact on our service levels. We’re using our reserves strategically to fund our capital program and lessen the impact on our taxpayers as well as to be ready for the unexpected,” said Myuran Palasandiran, Chief Financial Officer. “ 

This budget ensures our infrastructure such as stormwater and roads continue to operate smoothly for our residents as we grow,” said Carey Herd, Caledon CAO. We’re committed to efficiency and finding funding opportunities as we face ongoing challenges from new legislation, inflation and continued growth and the expectations that come with it. I thank our Town Council and senior staff for their support in preparing this budget.