Town of Caledon streamlines departments to prepare for a single-tier future

CALEDON, ON (September 19, 2023) - Today, the Town of Caledon announced changes that will streamline the government from 11 departments to six, each led by a Commissioner or Chief. Consolidating departments will prepare the Town to become a leading single-tier municipality that delivers efficient, innovative services.

Savings of more than $1 million annually from the restructuring will be redirected to help manage growth and staffing and reduce some pressures on increased taxes.

Peel Region will be dissolved in January 2025, meaning Caledon will have to deliver some services that are currently provided regionally. A provincial Transition Board is overseeing the separation. The restructuring is a proactive step to prepare for next steps in the process.

With the updated structure, three senior leaders are departing and others are taking on new responsibilities. Most employees will work on existing teams. Key changes include:

  • Consolidating the Director of Corporate Services and Town Solicitor roles into a Commissioner of Corporate Services/Chief Legal Officer.
  • Creating a Commissioner of Community and Human Services to prepare to take on new functions, such as child care, social assistance and housing support.
  • Creating a new Internal Audit Office reporting to the CAO for stronger financial accountability and stewardship to manage a significantly larger budget.
  • Consolidating Engineering and Operations for efficiency.
  • Creating a new government relations and public affairs office which will work on strengthening partnerships with our government partners and community stakeholders.

 “We are getting ready to become one of the fastest growing single-tier municipalities. We are continuing to deliver services, while finding efficiencies and opportunities in how we manage new roles and responsibilities,” said Mayor Groves. “We’re respecting the hard-earned dollars of our taxpayers by streamlining operations, while setting ourselves up to foster a collaborative and positive open-for-business approach.”

“Caledon has a tremendous opportunity to become a leader. The new organizational structure breaks down silos so our team can better serve the community and collaborate, including with residents, businesses and investors,” said CAO Nathan Hyde. “We’ve built a solid foundation to become a financially sustainable, accountable and innovative single-tier government.”