Glen Schnarr & Associates Inc. on behalf of Alton Mills Inc.

The applicant, Glen Schnarr & Associates Inc. has applied for a Zoning By-law Amendment application for Holding ('H') Symbol Removal for 0 Queen Street West.

The Zoning By-law Amendment application proposes to amend the Zoning By-law on the subject lands from Rural Residential – Holding (RR-H), Rural Residential (RR) and Open Space (OS) to Rural Residential (RR) and Open Space (OS) in order to remove a Holding (‘H’) Symbol. The RR-H zone was placed on a portion of the subject lands by a decision of the Ontario Municipal Board in March, 1990 to withhold the development of this portion of the lands until there are no livestock facilities present within 150 metres of the subject lands. Removal of the Holding (‘H’) Symbol will facilitate the intended development of an additional eight (8) dwelling lots within an existing draft-approved Plan of Subdivision (File No. 21T-86060C) for the subject lands.

There is no public meeting scheduled at this time. Further notification will be provided of a public meeting once it has been scheduled.
