Adult 55 Programs

At the Town of Caledon we are committed to building, supporting, and advocating for local programs that promote social participation with an emphasis on health, friendship, environmental stewardship and life-long learning.

Did you know?
Adults 55+ enjoy a 20% reduced rate on programs and memberships. The reduced rate is already reflected in the listed fees.

Quick links:
Explore our recreation centres  Explore 55+ drop-in activities  Explore 55+ fitness classes  Explore all courses and activities Buy a membership Cancellations and withdrawals

Drop-in Activities and Courses (Registered Programs)

We offer a variety of recreational activities specifically for Adults 55+ in Caledon. Our drop in activities include games, social activities, pickleball, shinny, fitness classes and more.

Explore 55+ drop-in activities   Explore 55+ fitness classes

Residents can still access all of Caledon’s recreational programs and are not limited to those specifically for 55+. Visit the programs and activities page for more information.

Explore all courses and activities   Learn how to register  

Community programs

Many community groups, clubs and non-profit organizations offer drop-in programs and activities across Caledon. Learn more 

Did you know?
Adults over the age of 55 are encouraged to get 150 minutes of moderate to high intensity level of exercise a week to maintain overall health and wellness. 

55+ Walking Track 

Walking track access is available at both the Caledon Centre for Recreation and Wellness (CCRW) and Caledon East Community Complex (CECC) for residents 55+. Click on a facility below to view the walking track admission requirements:

Walking Track at Caledon Centre for Recreation and Wellness

Adults 55+ can purchase a CCRW Walking Track Membership*.

*Caledon Seniors Centre members are eligible for a free 55+ CCRW Walking Track Membership. For more details, please contact the Seniors Centre.

For further information on the Caledon Centre for Recreation and Wellness Walking Track please visit our Fitness page

Walking Track at Caledon East Community Complex

Adults 55+ can enroll in a 'free' Walking Track Membership to access the track at no cost during designated times, please check our Walking Track for Caledon East schedules.

To access the track outside of these designated times, paid admission or a CECC Walking Track membership is required.

For further information on the Caledon East Community Complex Walking Track please visit our Fitness page.

55+ Community Room/Lounge Access 

Community room/lounge access is free, based on availability, daily from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. from September to June at the following facilities:


  • Existing rental or programs in these spaces will take priority. 

  • Only vacant rooms will be offered. 

  • The purpose is for residents 55+ to congregate and socialize. 

  • All organized associations, clubs, service clubs, third-party, non-profits and teams must book space through the Town’s rental process.

Rules for using these no-cost amenities 
  • Patrons must check into Customer Service before accessing the track or rooms. 

  • Individuals are not permitted to store personal items at the facility. 

  • The Town is not responsible for the replacement of personal property. 

  • No food or drink is to be prepared on site. 


The following resources are provided by the Government of Canada on healthy and active living for older adults: