
Energy consumed in Town facilities represent the largest source of the Corporation's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.  Learn what the Town is doing to reduce its energy consumption below:


The Corporate Greenhouse Gas Reduction Framework is a five-year strategy outlining actions the Town is working towards to reduce GHG emissions from corporate operations by 24% below 2017 levels. This strategy aims to reduce GHG emissions emitted by buildings, fleet, water and waste, with the following targets:

  • Facilities:  15% reduction in energy consumption below 2017 levels by 2024 in Town-owned buildings
  • Fleet: 30% reduction from the Town's vehicle fleet emissions below 2017 levels by 2024
  • Waste: Divert 30% of waste generated in Town buildings from going to landfill compared to 2017 rates by 2024
  • Water: Conserve 6% of water consumed in facilitied and parks by 2024 compared to 2017 levels

This strategy builds on past successes associated with implementing the Town's Corporate Energy Management Plan (2014-2019), including achieving a 12.6% energy reduction below 2012 levels by 2018, implementing an estimated 140 energy conservation measures and establishing a Corporate Energy Revolving Fund. 

We have a Corporate Energy Team to ensure that we meet the goals of the Corporate Greenhouse Gas Reduction Framework. Facility operations managers and staff participate on this team, to help save energy and reduce GHG emissions from buildings operations.
We have five renewable energy projects including three ground-mounted micro Feed-in Tariff (micro FIT) solar projects, a solar wall at Mayfield Recreation Complex and a ground source heat pump system at the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) facility in Caledon East, which was certified Gold in Leadership in Energy and Environment Design (LEED).

The Corporate Energy Team manages the Town's Corporate Energy Revolving Fund. Our three Town-owned solar sites, energy savings from projects implemented and energy incentives received help to grow the fund. The fund is used to pay for energy retrofit projects with a payback period of 10 years or less. Cost savings from the projects are diverted back into the fund until the project is paid back in full, with 25% of the savings being diverted to help grow and sustain the fund.



The Corporate Green Building Standard (2022) sets requirements for the construction of new Town-owned buildings, with three (3) increasing levels of performance, advancing every five (5) years, to align with a ‘net-zero carbon’ level by 2030.


This Standard sets target values for GHGI, EUI and TEDI. All three (3) targets are based on annual values, presented as 'per square meter' of the building’s floor space:

  • GHGI (greenhouse gas intensity, in kg of CO2/m²): GHGI is a measure of the annual GHG emissions due to the energy consumption of a building.
  • EUI (energy use intensity, in kWh/m²): EUI is a measure of the total annual energy consumed by a building, divided by the building’s floor area.
  • TEDI (thermal energy density index, in kWh/m²): TEDI is a measure of the thermal energy (heat) produced by a building’s heating system to maintain a comfortable indoor air temperature, by heating incoming ventilation air and replacing heat lost through the building’s envelope.


We have won several awards for our energy-saving efforts, including:

  • saveONenergy Energy Innovation Award for Municipality University School Hospital (MUSH) (2019)
  • Mayfield Recreation Complex Within 5% of the Energy Conservation Potential Award (2018)
  • Ontario Recreation Facilities Association (ORFA) Inc. Don Harrison Energy Champion Award (2018, 2015)
  • Mayor's Megawatt Challenge
  • Civic Action Race to Reduce Greater Than 20% Reduction Award (2015)
  • Town Hall 10% Energy Savings Milestone Award (2015)
  • Caledon Centre for Recreation and Wellness 10% Energy Savings Milestone Award (2015)

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