The Town of Caledon has one Heritage Conservation District (HCD) in the Village of Bolton. We are working on a second Heritage Conservation District in Alton. A Heritage Conservation District designation includes buildings, streets, landscapes and views within a specific area.
By designating a Heritage Conservation District, a municipality can manage and guide future change to preserve the identity of a heritage community as outlined in Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act.
Heritage Conservation District FAQ |
What is a Heritage Conservation District ("HCD")? |
An HCD is a geographically defined area of cultural heritage value that is designated by a municipal bylaw passed under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act. |
What is the purpose of an HCD? |
The purpose of an HCD is to identify the unique cultural heritage value of an area, and provide policies and guidelines to conserve the heritage features and manage change within the District. |
How are HCDs designated? When is the Plan drafted? |
All HCD studies are conducted in two phases (Phase I: HCD Study and Phase II: HCD Plan). The HCD Study phase determines whether or not the area meets the criteria/definition of an HCD based on Provincial guidelines. As noted in the two newsletters sent to the community, initiation of the HCD Plan (Phase II) would be based on the recommendations of the HCD Study (Phase I) and would occur by resolution of Town Council. The specific policies and guidelines (the actual HCD Plan) are not drafted until Phase II. The Alton Village HCD project is currently in Phase I. |
Are there any benefits to HCD designation? |
Yes. Designated Heritage Conservation Districts are a form of recognition of an area which can have beneficial impacts related to tourism. Here properties within an HCD are eligible for the Town of Caledon's annual Designated Property Grant Program, which offers 50% matching grants to a maximum of $4,000.00 for small to medium-sized maintenance and restoration projects. More information can be found online at https:// The Town is also considering establishing a Heritage Tax Rebate Program for designated commercial and industrial properties. |
How is change managed in an HCD? |
Changes within the HCD (e.g. changes to exteriors of properties, demolition, new construction, public works, etc.) are guided by policies and guidelines in the HCD Plan. The HCD Plan policies and guidelines are unique to each HCD. Some HCD Plans have more restrictive policies, and some are more reliant on guidelines to guide change. All HCD Plans must outline types of alterations which require approval by way of the Heritage Permit process, and those which do not require a Heritage Permit. Some municipalities also allow 'minor' permits to be approved by staff, whereas 'major' permits go through the full approval process depends on the unique set of policies of the HCD Plan which is approved by Council. Frequent types of "minor" alterations includes painting, minor repairs, interior alterations, and those which aren't visible from the street. |
What are some of the things that do not require a Heritage Permit? |
This depends on the unique set of policies of the HCD Plan which is approved by Council. Frequent types of "minor" alterations includes painting, minor repairs, interior alterations, and those which aren't visible from the street. |
My house isn't very old. Does that mean my property would still be part of the HCD? |
An HCD designates all properties within its boundaries under the Ontario Heritage Act. The HCD Plan identifies which properties are considered "heritage", and which are "non-heritage". The HCD Plan would provide a different set of policies for each type of property. The purpose of designating non-heritage properties is to ensure that changes to these properties are sensitive to the identified character of the area and do not have an adverse impact on the reasons the area is identified as an HCD. |
Does this mean that any new construction will have to look "heritage"? |
No. It is not considered best practice to make any new construction look like authentic heritage buildings. However, it is considered best practice to make new construction compatible with heritage buildings so that it complements or enhances the existing character of the area. This is done through building proportions, patterns of window / door openings, setbacks, etc. |
If the area is designated as an HCD, will this place additional restrictions on my property if I make changes beyond existing Zoning By-laws and other Planning policies? |
Yes. If the changes are not considered minor alterations and are located at the exterior of the building (visible from the public realm), they must be in conformity with the policies of the HCD Plan. This includes all properties, including those which are considered heritage and non-heritage. The goal of a HCD is not to prohibit change, but to ensure it is done in a way which maintains the character of the area. |
How will I know if I need a Heritage Permit to change my property? |
HCD Plans must identify the types of work which require a Heritage Permit, and those which do not require a permit. However, it is strongly encouraged that you always consult with the Municipal Heritage Planner. |
How long does it take to go through the Heritage Permit process, and how much does it cost? |
After a Heritage Permit Application is deemed complete by the Town, it typically takes about 6 weeks for Major Permits to be considered by the Heritage Advisory Committee and Council. Minor Permits are approved by staff, usually in 1-2 weeks. Heritage permits are free. However, more complicated applications may require site plans, elevations, or Heritage Impact Assessments which requires professional expertise and is completed at the expense of the property owner. |
Heritage property grant or tax rebate
If your home or business is located within a Heritage Conservation District, you may be eligible for a heritage property grant or a heritage property tax rebate.
Alton HCD Study
Community Consultation
A virtual community consultation meeting for the Alton Village Heritage Conservation District (HCD) Study was held on November 5, 2020. The purpose of the meeting was to present the Study’s initial findings regarding Alton’s heritage character and a recommended district boundary, and solicit community feedback. Please see the presentation slides or a recording of the consultation below and a summary of the meeting’s Questions & Answers below..
Public Meeting Q & A sheet (November 16, 2020)
Please complete the feedback form to ask questions or to provide additional input following the community consultation:
Feedback Form
A PDF version of the feedback form can also be completed and emailed to:
Sally Drummond
Heritage Resource Officer
It can also be mailed to the Town of Caledon:
6311 Old Church Road
Caledon, Ontario
L7C 1J6
Project background and study area |
The Town of Caledon has initiated a heritage conservation district study for the Village of Alton under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act. The study area includes the historic core of the village and some adjacent areas, as shown below.
The Town has retained the consultant team of MHBC Planning, George Robb Architect and Wendy Shearer Landscape Architect to undertake this project.

What is a heritage conservation district (HCD)? |
A heritage conservation district is a collection of heritage resources that have a special character or association. Once created, municipalities can manage and guide future change in the area through adoption of a district plan with policies and guidelines for conservation, protection and enhancement of the area’s special character. |
What is the process for establishing an HCD? |
The process to establish a HCD is carried out in two phases:
- The first phase is the HCD Study, which entails an analysis of the cultural heritage significance of the study area to determine if it, or a portion of it, should be a HCD.
- This work involves researching the development of Alton and inventorying the properties, streetscapes and open spaces of the study area. This information will be compiled into a HCD Study Report, which will recommend a heritage conservation district boundary (if appropriate) for consideration by Caledon Council.
If Council endorses the HCD Study recommendations, the MHBC team will proceed with the second phase: creation of a HCD Plan and Guidelines. Developed through further community consultation, the HCD Plan would provide detailed implementation information to guide future conservation and development activities within the district.
The project team has begun initial work on the HCD Study phase of the project, and will soon be visiting the study area to take photos and create an inventory.
Community consultation |
The public consultation planned for this project includes community meetings / open houses, comment periods, and project feedback forms.
The first public open house was held on November 5th, 2020 to present the Study’s initial findings regarding Alton’s heritage character and a recommended District boundary, and solicit community feedback. Please refer to the event video or the presentation slides and Questions & Answers for more information.
Project timelines |
The general project timeline for the various components is as follows:
- Summer 2020: begin background research, fieldwork, resource inventory, and policy review.
- Fall 2020: present findings to community, prepare draft HCD Study report, and conduct additional fieldwork if necessary.
- Winter 2021: finalize report and recommendations, review with community, present to Council.
The Village of Bolton HCD
The Village of Bolton Heritage Conservation District is Caledon's first Heritage Conservation District. The area contains 185 properties. Bolton was settled between 1819 and 1823 and the main commercial core still reflects many of the original buildings from that time. The street layout has also maintained its original integrity and hosts a wide variety of residences from the mid- to late-Victorian era.
Bolton Heritage Conservation District Plan |
The goal of the Bolton Heritage Conservation District Plan is to conserve our cultural heritage so that future generations will have a physical connection to their past. The Plan includes policies and guidelines regarding:
- heritage permits,
- managing change
- allowing property alterations
- new construction, and
- demolitions
Bolton Heritage Conservation District map |
Is your property in the Bolton Heritage Conservation District? View the Bolton Heritage Conservation District map. |