Bolton Residential Expansion Study

The Bolton Residential Expansion Study (BRES) was initiated to determine where to accommodate the 2031 population assigned projected for Bolton by the Region of Peel. The goal of the study was to:

  • Evaluate and select an area for residential development
  • Ensure the study fulfills the requirements of the Planning Act and all provincial directions
  • Provide the public with opportunities to provide input

Current status

The Region of Peel Council approved a Region Official Plan Amendment for the Bolton Residential Area  that was appealed. Phase 2 of the ROPA 30 hearing was held November 30, 2020. A settlement was reached, and a revised version of ROPA 30 was presented at the settlement hearing for the LPAT’s consideration. ROPA 30, as revised, was approved by oral decision of the LPAT on that date. ROPA 30 as revised, approved, and in-effect November 30, 2020

All updates and LPAT contact information regarding this appeal can also be found on the Ontario Land Tribunal website, quoting case number PL170058.

 LPAT Oral Decision
 Zoning Order

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Public consultations

We have held a series of public meetings to give Caledon residents and all interested parties the opportunity to provide input on the study. Contact us to review materials presented during past public consultations.