Property Tax Sales and Arrears

According to the Municipal Act, if you don't pay your taxes for three calendar years, then the Town will notify you that your property is in arrears. You will receive a tax arrears certificate that indicates your property will be sold if you don't pay the outstanding taxes within a year.

If your outstanding taxes aren't paid within a year of receiving a tax certificate, we will advertise the sale of your property and your property will be included in the next municipal tax sale. Once a certificate has been registered, partial payments cannot be accepted.

Sale of land for property tax arrears by public tender

There are currently no properties available for purchase in a municipal tax sale.

November 7, 2024 tax sale results


Property address

Tax roll number

Assessed value

Minimum tender required


3 Atchison Drive

2124 010 006 25214 0000




Mayfield Road

2124 010 007 05806 0000



Highest bid - $21,702.00

Mckenzie Street

2124 030 005 18801 0000




February 23, 2023 tax sale results


Property address Tax roll number Assessed value Minimum tender required Result

0 Ridge Road

2124 090 007 00638 0000 $791,000 $67,056.34 Cancelled

0 Queen Street W

2124 030 008 00905 0000 $205,000 $22,499.74 Highest bid - $250,000

November 25, 2021 tax sale results


Property address Tax roll number Assessed value Minimum tender required Result

452 Charleston Sideroad

2124 030 010 20900 0000 $580,000 $41,386.98 Cancelled                 

November 21, 2019 tax sale results

Property address Tax roll number Assessed value Minimum tender required Result
16587 Mount Hope Rd 2124 010 002 03120 0000 $1,814,250 $87,125.13 Cancelled
0 Mount Hope Rd 2124 010 002 03000 0000 $966,250 $35,000.08 Cancelled
0 Mississauga Rd 2124 030 008 25405 0000 $27,375 $8,353.76 Highest bid - $18,025
7 Flaherty Lane 2124 030 007 41600 0000 $393,500 $27,536.49 Highest bid - $56,000

 Frequently asked questions

What is a property tax sale?

A property tax sale is the process followed by a municipality to recover unpaid property taxes through the sale of the property in arrears. Properties become eligible for tax sale once they are three years in arrears.

Tax sales are governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act.

Tax sales are not typical real estate transactions. 

If you are considering participating in a property tax sale, it is highly recommended that you seek independent legal advice from a lawyer licensed to practice in Ontario and in good standing with the Law Society of Upper Canada.

Does the Town make any representations in a tax sale?

No. The municipality makes no representation regarding the title to a property or any other matters relating to the lands to be sold. The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser.

The property may be worth much more or much less than the minimum tender amount. It is the tenderer's responsibility to do their own research before submitting a tender on a tax sale property.

Any interests of the Federal or Provincial Crown encumbering the land at the time of the tax sale will continue to encumber the land after the registration of the tax deed.

Can I visit a property that is listed for tax sale?

No, you cannot legally enter onto a property that is advertised for tax sale. This is not a typical property sale.

The Town does not "own" the property in a tax sale and the current property owner on title may still be occupying the property. Entering onto a property advertised for tax sale proceedings is considered to be trespassing.

When is the closing date?

The closing date for the tender is listed on the tax sale advertisement and tender package and is specific to each property being advertised.

How do I obtain a tender package?

Contact Service Caledon to obtain a tender package. Instructions on how to complete the tender package are included with the package. These instructions must be followed explicitly in order for the tender bid to be valid.

How and when does the tender have to be submitted?

The date of closing is listed on the sale of land by public tender form which is included in the public tender package, as well as in any advertising of the property for sale by the Town.

Your tender must be submitted in a sealed envelope, addressed to the Treasurer. In each tender package, there is a pre-addressed envelope. Please use this provided envelope to submit any bids.

You can submit your tender in person to Service Caledon at Town Hall or by courier or by mail. Please keep in mind that your tender must be received by the Treasurer on or before the time and date indicated in the advertisement for tax sale. If your tender is received late, it will be rejected. Rejected tenders will be returned following the tender closing date.

Is there a deposit that must be made at the time of submitting a tender?

A deposit must accompany any tender submission. The deposit must be at least 20 per cent of the tender bid amount. Deposits must be in the form of a money order, bank draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation. The deposit must be made payable to the "Town of Caledon". Please do not submit cash.

What is the minimum price that the municipality will sell a tax sale property for?

The minimum price is the minimum tender amount shown on the sale of land by public tender form. This amount represents the property taxes outstanding on the property and any costs associated with the tax sale process. Any submissions of tender less than this price will not be accepted.

If my tender is successful, when is the rest of the purchase price required to be paid?

If your bid is successful, you will be notified by the Town. Within 14 days of this notification, the remaining balance of the tender amount must be paid along with any land transfer tax, HST and any accumulated property taxes.

What if I submit a tender and win, but do not pay the balance within the time specified?

If your tender is accepted and you do not pay the balance of the tender amount owing on time for any reason, your deposit will be forfeited to the municipality in accordance with Provincial legislation. The second highest non-rejected bidder will then be notified of a winning bid.

What if I submitted a tender but would like to withdraw it?

A tender may be withdrawn if the tenderer's written request to have the tender withdrawn is received by the Treasurer before 3:00 p.m. local time on the last date for receiving tenders. The envelope containing a withdrawn tender will be opened at the time of the opening of the sealed envelopes.

May I submit tenders on more than one land parcel or property?

Please submit separate bids in separate bid envelopes for each property you wish to place a bid on.  Please do not combine bids in one form or envelope.  Any combined bids in one envelope will be rejected.

Can the Town cancel a tax sale?
Yes, a tax sale can be cancelled by the Treasurer at any time before a tax deed or notice of vesting is registered on title. This means a tax sale can be cancelled before the tender opening or even after the tender is closed.
Who wins a tax sale public tender?

After reviewing the tenders, the Treasurer will reject all but the two highest of the remaining tenders. The Treasurer will then notify the highest tenderer by ordinary mail sent to the address shown in the tender. The highest tenderer then has 14 days to pay the balance of the amount tendered, the applicable land transfer tax and the accumulated property taxes by money order, bank draft or certified cheque to the Treasurer. If the payment of the balance is not paid, the deposit will be forfeited to the municipality and the second highest tenderer will be offered the land.

Can my tender be rejected?

Some of the reasons a tender could be rejected include:

  • The tender amount was insufficient in that it was not equal to or greater than the minimum tender amount.
  • The tender included a term or condition that is not allowed for under the Ontario Tax Sales Regulations (Ontario Regulation 181/03).
  • The tender envelope was not sealed, did not indicate on it that it is a tax sale or it did not provide a short description or municipal address sufficient to permit the Treasurer to identify the parcel of land to which the tender relates.
  • The tender was not one of the two highest tenders.
  • The tender was not in Form 7.
  • The tender was not addressed to the treasurer or typewritten or legibly handwritten in ink.
  • The tender was not accompanied by a deposit of at least 20 per cent of the tender amount as shown on the Form 7 tender.
  • The tender deposit was not made by way of money order, bank draft or certified cheque.
  • The tender did not relate to just one parcel of land.
  • A certified cheque drawn on a credit union was submitted as a deposit.