13576 and 13584 Coleraine Drive

The Town has received proposed Official Plan Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision, and Zoning By-law Amendment applications.

  • The Zoning By-law Amendment was approved by Council on October 27, 2020, and is now in full force and effect.

  • The subdivision was draft approved on December 2, 2020.
  • Notice of Adoption for Official Plan Amendment was approved on December 2, 2020

Property Description

The subject lands is located at 13576 and 13584 Coleraine Drive, on the west side of Coleraine Drive and east side of Jack Kenny Court, south of Harvest Moon Drive.

• Town File Number(s): POPA 2013-0005, 21T-13002C and RZ 2013-0013
• Project Name: 1361605 Ontario Limited and P. Halmos

The Official Plan Amendment proposes to amend the designation from Environmental Policy Area to Low Density Residential.

The proposed development proposes to create a 7 lot residential subdivision with minimum lot sizes of 0.03 ha (0.79 ac) and minimum frontages of 10.7 metres (35.1 feet). All lots are proposed to be accessed via a widened existing road, Jack Kenny Court and serviced by full municipal water and sanitary services.

The Zoning By-law Amendment proposes to amend the zoning of the property from Agricultural (A1) and Environmental Policy Area 1 Zone Exception 405 (EPA1-405) to Residential one Exception 634 (R1-634) to implement the proposed development. The proposed zoning will allow for single detached dwellings and accessory uses, with site specific provisions to reflect the lot size, setbacks, building area and easement location.

Updates and notices

Lead Planner

Carmine Caruso, Senior Planner
Development and Design
905.584.2272 x. 4258

Additional Resources

For more information about this matter, or to provide comments, feedback or ask questions,  please contact the Lead Planner at Town Hall from Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.