Official Plan

An official plan is a statement of principles, goals, objectives and policies to guide land use, development and change in a municipality. It considers the social, economic and environment impact of growth and development. An official plan also provides the basis for zoning and other by-laws.

Region of Peel Official Plan

On July 1, 2024 the Town became responsible for the interpretation and implementation of the Region of Peel Official Plan as it applies to Caledon. Schedule E-1, Regional Structure, of this Plan shows the 2051 New Urban Area in south Caledon where the majority of the Town’s residential and employment growth will be located.

Mapping - Schedules
Mapping - Figures

Town of Caledon Official Plan

The Town of Caledon Official Plan currently applies town-wide. It dates back to 1978 and has been amended many times. It is proposed to be replaced in phases by the Future Caledon Official Plan.

Mapping - Schedules
 Mapping - Figures
Mapping - Appendices
Unconsolidated Official Plan Amendments
  •  OPA 281

Future Caledon Official Plan

The Town’s new official plan, Future Caledon, was adopted at the Council Meeting on March 26, 2024 and is being reviewed for approval by the Province. Future Caledon was prepared to conform with the Region of Peel Official Plan.

Future Caledon will replace the majority of the existing Town of Caledon Official Plan. The next phases of the Official Plan Review will complete the replacement. 

Visit Future Caledon!