12148 Albion Vaughan Road
The Town has received a proposed Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan applications.
Current Status |
Property Description
The subject lands are located at 12148 Albion Vaughan Road, between Albion Vaughan Road and Highway 50 with frontage on both streets, north of Mayfield Road.
- Town File Number(s): POPA 21-01, RZ 21-03 and SPA 21-04
- Project Name: KLM Planning Partners Inc. on behalf of Albion-Vaughan (12148) Inc. and Giuseppe Scena
Location: 12148 Albion Vaughan Road, Ward 5 |
Official Plan Amendment |
The Official Plan Amendment proposes to amend the designation from Special Residential to High Density Residential with Site-Specific Policies and Environmental Policy Area.” |
Zoning By-law Amendment |
The Zoning By-law Amendment proposes to amend the zoning of the property from Rural Residential (RR) to Multiple Residential – Exception XXX (RM - XXX) and Environmental Policy Area 1 – Exception XXX (EPA1-XXX) to implement the proposed development. The intent of the zoning by-law amendment is to introduce site specific standards, including but not limited to: minimum lot area, maximum building area, maximum building height, minimum building setbacks, minimum landscape area, minimum privacy yard, minimum play facility, minimum parking, and walkway location. |
Updates and notices
Notice |
Lead Planner
Aleah Clarke, MHBC
On Behalf of Development Review Services, Planning Department, Town of Caledon
905.584.2272 x. 7338
Additional Resources
For more information about this matter, or to provide comments, feedback or ask questions, please contact the Lead Planner at Town Hall from Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.