Transportation Studies

Our transportation infrastructure is vital to the health of our community. We have undertaken a number of studies to better understand our current and future needs.

Complete projects

We have completed a number of transportation studies, including:

Caledon Multi-Modal Transportation Master Plan (2024)
The Town of Caledon has developed a Multi-Modal Transportation Master Plan 2024 (MMTMP). The MMTMP is aligned with the Province and the Region’s plans and initiatives to address mobility needs to 2051, which is consistent with the new Official Plan planning horizon. The MMMTP is a long-term strategy that guides the planning, policy, and infrastructure needs of the Town’s multi-modal transportation system to accommodate future growth and development.
Active Transportation Master Plan (2024)
Caledon’s Active Transportation Master Plan (ATMP) is a long-range planning document that guides the planning, design and implementation of active transportation in Caledon to create a livable and sustainable community. The plan provides the necessary framework to develop and manage a more physically active transportation community in a cost-effective manner that will connect, integrate, enhance and expand on our existing facilities.
Chinguacousy Road Environmental Assessment 
The Town of Caledon has completed a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) for Chinguacousy Road between Mayfield Road and Old School Road to improve traffic conditions and enhance the safety of all road users.
Caledon Transportation Master Plan (2017)

The Caledon Transportation Master Plan (CTMP) looks at our transportation needs to the year 2031, to provide a sustainable transportation system that supports a healthy and active lifestyle in our community. Throughout the TMP process, we consulted with the stakeholders and public to gather feedback, conduct research and gain insight.

Columbia Way Environmental Assessment
The Town of Caledon has completed a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) for Columbia Way between Highway 50 and Caledon King Townline to improve traffic conditions and enhance the safety of all road users.
Bolton Transportation Master Plan

The Bolton Transportation Master Plan identifies transportation issues and road network concerns around Bolton.

Traffic Calming Strategy
The Town of Caledon is putting the brakes on speeding by developing a new Traffic Calming Strategy to help address speeding as well as improve road safety for all users. 
Mayfield West Phase 2 Secondary Plan

Myfield West 2 Transportation Master Plan guides the delivery of transportation infrastructure and services in the development area. The MW2-TMP provides a strategic balanced transportation framework that supports walking, cycling, and public transport as well as a road network.