About Us
In the case of an emergency, call 9-1-1.
We are committed to keeping our community and residents safe in the case of fire or emergency. Learn more about how we train our personnel and how we serve the community.
Our services
Our staff are trained on a variety of safety and emergency response techniques to keep you and your family safe in the case of an emergency.
All Caledon firefighters can provide defibrillation as part of our emergency response and patient care. Each fire station in Caledon has a defibrillator on site.
The key to survival for both medical and accident victims is early intervention and emergency treatment. We have an average response time of 8.5 minutes. With nine fire stations located throughout town we can provide quick emergency care.
Our staff are trained to use the “Jaws of Life” to help remove victims from vehicles after a collision or after a building collapse. We will arrive at the scene with the necessary tools and training to perform an extrication.
We extricate people from vehicles, control fires and provide emergency medical care at collision sites. We work alongside the OPP and paramedics.
All of our stations have the equipment required to perform a land-based water rescue.
Fire Station Tour
Ever wondered what goes on in a fire station? What equipment does a fire truck carry?
Step inside Station 302 for a virtual station tour to learn more about what it’s like to be a Caledon firefighter. There might even be a special guest that joins the tour.
False alarms
False alarms are costly. It's important that you keep all fire alarm systems and fire protection equipment in working order at work and home. This is not only the law under the Ontario Fire Code, but it also reduces the number of false alarms.
If you've been invoiced for two or more false fire alarm calls, you can take these steps to reduce the fees:
- Repair your fire protection system by a qualified technician or contractor
- Contact us to arrange a fire inspection
- Provide a copy of your invoice to show that repairs have been made and you've paid the invoice
- Provide an invoice from the same alarm company showing regular monitoring for the year of the false alarm incident
Send a copy of these document to us by email or give them to the fire inspector during the inspection.
Insurance Accreditation
We received the residential accreditation from the Fire Underwriters Survey for “Superior Shuttle Tanker Service” within 8 km. Review our Accreditation Letter of Recognition. Check out a video of our team in action during the accreditation test.
Fire Master Plan
The Fire Master Plan provides a strategic framework for future decision-making for fire services. The plan includes:
- An overview of staff and resources
- Community risk assessment
- Municipal emergency planning
- Fire prevention plans
- Fire suppression reports
- Training and recruitment overview
- Equipment, stations, and apparatus review
- Implementation strategy
In addition, a Community Risk Assessment has been developed to identify fire-related risks within the community and future fire protection needs.