Burn Permits

The current Fire Hazard Rating for Caledon is:

The current fire hazard rating is high.

You can apply online for open air and recreational burn permits in the Town of Caledon.

Apply for a burn permit

 Recreational Permit

Recreational burn permits ($28.14) are available for most residential properties providing the lot meets the minimum distances set out in the By-law.

All recreational fire must be contained within a non-combustible device and be located on a non-combustible surface.

The container must be at least 3 metres from any nearby combustible materials.

For these fires only clean, dry seasoned firewood is permitted.

Apply for a burn permit

 Open Air Permit

Open air burn permits ($46.53) are only available for residential properties with a lot size of ½ acres or greater.

The purpose of these permits is to permit homeowners the ability of burning yard waste such as tree limbs, branches and twigs, but not for grass clippings and leaves.

Residents that are eligible for an open air permit are automatically eligible for a Recreational permit at no additional cost.

Apply for a burn permit

 Agricultural Permit

Agricultural burn permits are only available for properties used for agricultural purposes as defined in the By-law.

A Permit may only be obtained after an inspection and approval of the burn pile has been granted by Caledon Fire & Emergency Services.

Contact us when applying an agricultural burn permit, to arrange an inspection.

Check before you burn!

Once you have a burn permit, check the current conditions before burning any items. Call the burn status hotline or check the rating at the top of this page. If the conditions are hot, dry and/or windy, we may issue a burn ban, in which case fires are not permitted (even if you have a burn permit).

Report a Problem

Open air burning in Caledon is governed by the Open Air, Recreational and Agricultural Fires By-law (2016-092).

If you have a concern or issue you can submit a By-law complaint as follows:

  1. Click on the “Report a Problem” button below to fill out a service request. Your ticket will be logged immediately upon submission and we will dispatch crews as quickly as possible.

    Report a Problem

  2. Alternatives you can contact us by email or by phone.

For all emergencies, call 9-1-1.