Integrity Commissioner
The Integrity Commissioner is an independent statutory officer who reports directly to Council and whose powers and duties are set out in the Municipal Act, 2001 and further defined within the Town’s Code of Conduct for Members of Council and Designated Boards and applicable policies. The Town first appointed an Integrity Commissioner in 2010.
The role of the Integrity Commissioner is to provide education, advice and the investigation and resolution of complaints regarding the conduct of Members of Council, committees and designated local boards on the application of the Code of Conduct, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act and other related policies. The Integrity Commissioner also provides guidance to the Town Clerk and staff, as needed.
The standards of conduct expected of elected and appointed officials have been written down in legislation and other binding documents, the most important of which are the Code of Conduct and the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. Members of Council and designated local boards are required to serve the public interest by upholding the letter and spirit of these standards. Specifically, these standards of conduct require the Town’s elected and appointed officials to:
- serve constituents and the public in a conscientious and diligent manner;
- act with integrity;
- avoid conflicts of interest and improper use of influence; and,
- arrange their private affairs in a way that promotes public confidence and will bear close public scrutiny.
The work of the Town of Caledon is complex and elected and appointed officials are required to address multiple competing legal, ethical and political interests. When elected and appointed officials need help ensuring they maintain high standards of conduct, they can turn to the Integrity Commissioner for confidential advice.
The Integrity Commissioner also conducts investigations or attempts to resolve matters when allegations arise that the standards have been breached.
The Integrity Commissioner is also responsible for providing policy advice and educational programs to Council and designated local boards on issues of ethics and integrity.
Council selected Boghosian + Allen LLP as the Town’s Integrity Commissioner with the term to begin January 1, 2024 and end on November 30, 2026.
The Town is required by legislation to appoint an Integrity Commissioner who is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Code of Conduct for Members of Council and Designated Boards and the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act (MCIA).
The powers and duties of the Integrity Commissioner are set out in the Municipal Act and By-law 2023-098.
As part of the Town of Caledon's continued commitment to enhancing openness and accountability, Town Council has adopted a Code of Conduct for Members of Council and Designated Boards.
The Code of Conduct for Members of Council and Designated Boards is established to provide standards for conduct of Members of Council and designated boards in the capacity of their official duties. These standards are intended to enhance public confidence and support the Town's reputation and integrity.
Complaints may be filed by completing and submitting the Confidential Complaint Form with the Integrity Commissioner. Arrangements may also be made with the Town Clerk to file complaint on a confidential basis.
Every request to the Integrity Commissioner will be noted and reviewed. The decision to pursue an investigation into a possible breach of the Code of Conduct or other Town policy can only be made by the Integrity Commissioner based on the complaint.
If you would like to contact the Integrity Commissioner, please email
Who can file a complaint?
Members of the public, employees of the Town, any organization as well as elected or appointed officials can file a complaint under the Code.
What is the process for filing a complaint?
Refer to the Complaint Process provided on the Integrity Commissioner webpage
How is the complaint investigated?
Following receipt and review of a formal complaint, or at any time during the investigation, where the Integrity Commissioner believes that an opportunity to resolve the matter may be successfully pursued without a formal investigation, and both the complainant and the Member agree, efforts may be pursued to achieve an informal resolution.
The Integrity Commissioner will proceed as follows, except where otherwise required by the Public Inquiries Act:
a) Provide the complaint and supporting material to the member whose conduct is in question with a request that a written response to the allegation be provided within ten business days; and
b) Provide a copy of the response provided to the complainant with a request for a written reply within ten business days. If necessary, after reviewing the submitted materials, the Integrity Commissioner may speak to anyone, access and examine any other documents or electronic materials and may enter any Town work location relevant to the complaint for the purpose of investigation and potential resolution.
The Integrity Commissioner may make interim reports to Council where necessary and as required to address any instances of interference, obstruction, delay or retaliation encountered during the investigation.
Does the Integrity Commissioner investigate complaints about Town Employees?
The Integrity Commissioner does not have authority over Town employees.
Can an anonymous complaint be filed?
Complaints are required to be submitted by an identifiable individual for an investigation to be completed. Complaints submitted anonymously (without a name or contact information) cannot be processed, and therefore will not be accepted. Personal information submitted in a complaint through the Integrity Commissioner webpage may remain confidential as determined by the complainant.
Recent Reports
IC Reports
- Annual Report 2023
- Annual Report 2022
- Annual Report 2021
- Annual Report 2020
- Annual Report 2019
- Annual Report 2018
- Annual Report 2017
- Annual Report 2016
- Annual Report 2015
Complaint Investigation Reports
- Code of Conduct Complaints re: Actions of Councillor Kiernan - May 21, 2024
- Code of Conduct Complaints re: Actions of Mayor Annette Groves - November 8, 2023
- Code of Conduct Complaints re: Councillors Groves and Shaughnessy - December 18, 2017
- Code of Conduct Complaint re: Councillor Shaughnessy - April 11, 2017