MJJJ Developments Inc

The Town of Caledon has received proposed Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan applications.

 Current Status
  •  Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment Appealed, Hearing Scheduled for February 1, 2021

Property Description

The subject lands are located on the east side of Coleraine Drive, south of George Bolton Parkway and north of Parr Boulevard.

  • Town File No.: POPA 18-02, RZ 18-04 and SPA 18-58
  • Project Name: MJJJ Developments 
  • Location: 12415 Coleraine Drive, Ward 5 
Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment

MJJJ Developments Inc. applied for an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment to permit an asphalt plant consisting of a 2-storey, 1,042 m2 office building fronting onto Coleraine Drive and a hot mix asphalt plant with associated open storage and 1-storey, 46 m2 seasonal office building accessed from Simpson Drive.

Updates and Notices

  • Notice of Application - Notice Date: July 26, 2018
  • Notice of Public Meeting - Notice Date: December 20, 2018

Contact Town staff to obtain a copy of the notice.

Material Submitted in Support of the Application

If a study isn't available online, you can view the documents by appointment at Town Hall, or you can request a hard copy from Paul Lowes, the applicant's planner, or call 416-923-6630 x 23.

Town, agency and public comments
Staff Report

At the February 19, 2019 Council Meeting the Corporation of the Town of Caledon passed Resolution 2019-40 to refuse the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications to permit an unenclosed asphalt plan on the subject lands:

The basis for this refusal is contained in Staff Report 2019-18, as received by the Committee of the Whole - Planning and Development on February 13, 2019.

Appeal and LPAT Hearing

The Town of Caledon received a notice of appeal. Please see the Acknowledgement Letter from the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) to understand the appeal process and their contact information.

For more information, please visit the following:

Contact us, or make an appointment to visit Town Hall to view studies not available online, or previous versions.

Lead Planner

Carmine Caruso, MCIP, RPP
Senior Planner
Development and Design
905-584-2272 x.4258

Additional Resources

For more information about this matter, or to provide comments, feedback or ask questions, please contact the Lead Planner from Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.