Whitebelt Visioning Exercise
The Whitebelt Visioning Exercise was looking at potential land use for the areas outside of the Niagara Escarpment, Greenbelt and Oak Ridges Moraine plan areas. This represents approximately 10,500 hectares of land (15% of Caledon) where future development may be permitted.
This area is currently designated Prime Agricultural Area and Environmental Policy Area in the Town's Official Plan. Please stay tuned for future updates through the Official Plan Review.
The Province plans to build a 400-series highway through this area, known as the GTA West Highway.
Public consultation material
Throughout the visioning exercise we consulted with the public to gather feedback, conduct research and gain insight. Contact us if you would like to review materials presented during past public consultations.
The November 1, 2017 Open House was postponed to allow for consideration of the Region of Peel Growth Management reports.
Purpose of the exercise
The original focus was only on where strategic employment areas should be located. The study focus expanded, and now aims to identify:
- Major natural and cultural heritage features for protection
- Major concentrations of agricultural activity for protection
- Strategic employment areas for long-term protection
- Long-term community structure
- Regional and local transportation corridors (existing and new) and preferred locations for additional interchanges (if needed)
- Location of major residential and community use areas
- Preferred sequencing of development, but no the specific timing of development
Detailed work plan
The Whitebelt Visioning Exercise workplan is divided into five phases with the intention that it will result in an amendment to the Official Plan.
Phase 1 – review of background and existing conditions |
During phase one of the project, we will:
Phase 2 – preparation of land use alternatives |
During phase two of the project, we will:
Phase 3 – impact assessment |
During phase three of the project, we will:
Phase 4 –evaluation of land use alternatives |
During phase four of the project, we will:
Phase 5 – final land use concept |
During phase five of the project, we will: